Calling bloggers/podcasters: Send a message on LGBTQ rights
To be published Tues, Dec 3
Earlier today, Julia Serano — you may recognize her as the author of Whipping Girl — made a proposal:
If you've got a platform (social media, blog, podcast, etc.), please ask your U.S. audience to send a message to the Democrats.
As Serano describes it, there are three required elements for this group action.
1) Publish it on Tues, Dec 3 (in one week), the first day that both the House and Senate will be back in session
2) Use the title "LGBTQ+ People Are Not Going Back"
3) Urge your audience
"to contact their Congressperson and Senators (and perhaps even local politicians) and tell them that
1) you will not tolerate any backpedaling on LGBTQ+ rights whatsoever, and
2) if they fail to strongly stand up against these attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, then you will take your vote elsewhere next election."
The rest of the details are up to you, including exactly what you believe "take your vote elsewhere" should mean. For example, you might want it to mean supporting a Democratic primary challenger.
While this group message in favor of LGBTQ rights is primarily intended to reach Democratic leaders, people should feel free to contact Republican leaders too.
Serano will try to make one big list of everyone's creations. She says you can let her know in advance of your intentions to publish something. (Try leaving a comment on her Medium article.)
Using the shared hashtag will help everyone find and boost each other: #LGBTQNotGoingBack