Change in marital status: Part of preparing for 2025

Information for marriage (in Georgia next week) and divorcing as a parent.

Change in marital status: Part of preparing for 2025
Desk by Cedric Reinsch from Pixabay

Preparing for 2025 means updating your legal status.

If you're getting married, and if you can get a marriage license in Georgia, then consider having your legal marriage performed in community, next Sunday morning, January 19, at independent feminist bookstore Charis Books. They're calling it their Matrimony for the People Mass Wedding. Their executive director, E.R. Anderson, will officiate. If this is for you, immediately fill out the Google Form: deadline Sunday, January 12. The day after the mass wedding, anyone can join Charis for the Bayard Rustin/Audre Lorde Breakfast and the MLK March in Atlanta.

If you're a parent who's divorcing or breaking up with your child's other parent, whether it's amicable or high-conflict or one of you is still hanging on to the past or you were never a couple or whatever the situation is, you can write a parenting plan. Asking the court to order a parenting plan supports your child's well-being and protects their relationship with both parents.