Reflection: Your fears & your hopes

What can you do differently?

Reflection: Your fears & your hopes
Melted wax after La Noche de las Velitas in Bogotá. Photo by Tucker Lieberman, 8 Dec 2024.

The CrimethInc article I shared yesterday has a section called "Personal Reflection." Below, I've tweaked the questions I found there.

Here are a couple big ones:

  • If you were to take seriously your fears and your hopes, what would you do differently?
  • For which fights will you sacrifice, and which risks will you take?


  • What's a sustainable level of engagement for you?
  • What do you need to stay calm, collected, and able to act on your own timeline according to your own capacities, instead of being forced to react?
  • How might you keep your outrage in reserve so you can act upon it when you choose to, on your own terms?
  • Are there fights you know it's better for you to sit out?