Do your local officials use X to make announcements? Why?

Ask them to develop standards for picking a new platform

Do your local officials use X to make announcements? Why?
Cat by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Real quick suggestion —

If your city government, school system, community center, etc. uses X to make public announcements, suggest that they stop. Elon Musk owns X. Not only does he profit off your use of it, he also controls how it works, he can kick you off, he keeps your name and location in his database, he can delete everything you wrote and not give you a backup, and it makes you look bad by association.

Suggest that your local institution develop standards for choosing which social media platforms it uses.

Wayne Senville asked the Vermont Agency of Digital Services if they'd please publish new guidance. (Bluesky, post 1) They said they would. (post 2)