Write your plan: Organization, expertise, values

Start off your Sunday morning by making a brief statement of how you'll do your part.

Write your plan: Organization, expertise, values
Checklist by Tero from Pixabay

How will you, personally, make a difference?

"That’s different for each person," Margaret Sullivan writes today in American Crisis.

Sullivan is the former public editor of the New York Times, and she's "a pro-democracy media critic, an author and an occasional glass-ceiling breaker," as she puts it in her blog bio.

Today, she says,

"I have a three-fold plan: to contribute to organizations that can fight back against what’s ahead — for example, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press which provides expert legal help to journalists under siege; to keep pointing out the times when the mainstream press fails to meet the moment; and to try to live up to my own ideals by telling the truth and being a kind and decent person."

Sketch out your plan. (If you're not a journalist, your outline will sound different than Sullivan's.)

To copy her format, just identify three things:

  • An organization or movement where (to join forces with others) you'll donate your time or money
  • Personal expertise or talent you can share on a regular basis
  • Basic values to guide you every day

Write it down and pin it up somewhere you'll see it.

Even better, share it where others will see it — like your website or social media — to inspire others and help us stay accountable to each other.

If you've already done this exercise before, why not revisit your plan, update it, and reshare it?